Friday 25 January 2013

When writing this blog I try and be honest and interesting and provide a little bit of insight into my experiences of being a singer songwriter. It’s not always easy to be honest or express myself the way I would like to.

With this in mind it’s been very inspiring recently to read frank accounts of health problems suffered by some very inspiration women.

First up is the blog of Sandy Pooni, a Uni mate of mine who suffered a stroke last year aged 23. Her blog fivefootofdetermination  is very frank which makes it by equal turns funny and frightening but also very important. Sandy is currently doing a lot to raise stroke awareness, follow her on twitter to find out more @spoonsi

Actress Naomi Bentley has appeared in several sitcoms, most recently Great Night Out and Miranda but also the very funny White Van Man. Earlier this month she suffered a very frightening suspected stroke. Here’s her blog post about that dancinginthegrey

She’s now recovering, follow her on twitter to stay up to date @Naomi_Bentley

Birmingham artist and singer Tamar Whyte has recently compiled a set of blog posts about her experiences running up to the decision to have a Gastric Bypass operation. Diary of a Gastric Bypass Patient  

Tamar is also on Twitter @tamar_whyte

1 comment:

Tamar said...

Hi Rob,

Thanks so much for pimping my blog on your site! I didn't realise you had a blog til I clicked on one of my site referrals. I quite like the 'On Being a Performer' post :-)
