Monday, 10 February 2014

What you been doing, Robert?

Been a while since my last post which means there's plenty to tell you about.

I performed at an excellent event in Finedon called Kontra Roots on the 10th of January. Another cool little gig run by passionate people who programme good acts for an appreciative audience. It was very nice to catch up with Louise Petit and her fine band, and hear their excellent three part harmonies.

I made a return to Bohemia restaurant in Selly Oak, Birmingham and as on the last two occasions I had a lot of fun. It's like two very different gigs in one night; the first set its your classic restaurant gig playing some laid back stuff as people eat and chat. After they have finished their meals people behave more like a regular gig audience and there was much singing along and banter. I'm booked to return in September.

Matthew Hernadez invited me along to a gig he runs at The Wild Boar in Warwick which was very cool. Also playing were Millie Hay, Jake Melles,Will Johnson, Lee Evatt & Tom Harris,and Supine Orchestra.
Millie Hay

Will Johnson

Supine Orchestra
On the 30th of January I supported Paul Liddell at Ort in Balsal Heath, Birmingham. Not easy to describe how talented Paul is, I'll leave it to the videos of his set we are hoping to post soon. I can say what a nice fella he is and how much we appreciated him making the journey from Sunderland to play at the event.
Robert Lane with Paul Liddell
Theatre Stuff

The past couple of months have seen me get involved with a few exciting theatre projects. I'm writing some songs and helping organise musicians for A Passion for Birmingham which is happening this Easter. I've got involved because it sounds like a really interesting piece of theatre. Have a look at the website for more information.

I'm doing some more shows with Foghorn Improv this time taking part in some non musical bits as well as improvising songs.

I've been cast as Anton Rybin in The Mother at Birmingham Rep, with two performances on the 15th of March. Birmingham actress Lorna Laidlaw plays The Mother, and Tessa Walker is directing. This one is going to be very cool indeed!

On Saturday 8th of February I played guitar for some short excerpts of Pint Dreams, a lovely piece of pub theatre devised by Tin Box Theatre Company at an event called Appetite Stoke.  I met some very interesting people and had a reet good laugh during the course of the day (even during the frighteningly early train journey...)

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